Role: Assistant Art Director
Above is me experiencing yet another proud moment connected to my working on 'Pride'. Four years later, in 2017, Time Out Magazine interviewed me about those banners. An honor it was to revisit those memories, and how lucky I was to be hired and become 'Anna Banner'!
Achievements: Researched banners that were produced by the LGSM (Lesbians & Gays Support the Miners) during the 1984/85 Miners Strike, re-created those banners producing accurate replicas, (image below) along with designing over 50 original and unique banners. All banners were approximately 9'.0" by 7'.0" and all hand painted and used on two pride marches (1984 and 1985) and one picket line march. On set as Standby Art Director during these marches and also for 2nd Unit filming. Buying and set dressing on locations.