Role: Art Department Assistant
Achievements: Assisted the department. Research of Lynn Barber's school life at Lady Eleanor Holles, re-creating her writing and school essays for action props. Prop making. Buying and creating graphics. Painting of shop signs. Liaised with many external companies for deliveries to create a night club set within an location.
Cleaning and adding black fablon to a sign to be installed within a location. Assisting in dressing graphics at a petrol station on location.
A vanity case needed to be hand made and replicated for re-shoots.
Assisted the dressing props for a big street scene, including window displays and news stands.
Liaised with an external company in the buying and delivery of glittered panels to dress a location. Before and after below.
Final scene of the bar dressed in glittered panels. Assisted in dressing the kitchen and house on stage.
Organised the framing and printing of painting. Assisted in Graphics for album front covers. Liaised with Alitalia for using images of their planes.